Monday, January 25, 2010

January 24, 2010- Chapter 1 continued

Review from last week
  • Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke)

  • Interviewing Dr. Craig Blomberg

  • Authoritative qualifications of the authors

Gospel of John

Timeline for writing the New Testament

  • Blomberg presents evidence that all four Gospels were written before 90A.D. or less than 60 years after the Crucifixion.

  • Paul's conversion is generally accepted by scholars to have occurred 2 or 3 years after Christ's death.

  • All of Paul's letters that are now canonized in the New Testament would have been written before the last Gospel (generally accepted to be John).

Next week we will start Chapter 2

Monday, January 18, 2010

January 17, 2010- The Case for Christ Chapter 1

Review of last week

  • Fact finding doesn't replace faith. Although we are proceeding as investigators looking objectively at evidence to support the story of Jesus, faith is still a vital element in Christianity (Ephesians 2:7-9).

  • Listed famous Christian Apologist (Paul, Augustine, Aquinas, Lewis -see links in previous post).
  • When researching, always check references for bias or unseen agenda
Interview With Dr. Craig Blomberg

Matthew-disciple of Jesus, firsthand account
Mark- companion of Peter, one of Christ's inner circle
Luke- close associate of Paul (my beloved physician), historian
John- disciple close to Jesus

*link source is Orthodox Wiki please note but has great biblical references

  • All four had firsthand or were close to firsthand information about Jesus

  • Information was passed with much greater care in biblical times. Accuracy was imperative because often word of mouth was the primary manner in the way information was passed.

  • Biographical writings were in a different style compared to today. Most biographies surrounded the major events in a person's life (movie style) as opposed to their entire life on a timeline like today's writings or documentaries.

Synoptic Gospels

  • synoptic-(synopsis) taking a common view. Reference the first three Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke.

  • Relationship between the Synoptic Gospels:

  • The Q Document- theoretical document that supports a two-source hypothesis. No proof the document exist, but scholars believe it would help explain the parallels. Theory also exist that Mark used the books of Luke and Matthew as a source too.

Next week: Continue in Chapter 1

Monday, January 11, 2010

January 10, 2010- Lee Strobel Introduction

Introduction to Course of Study

  • The Case for Christ by Lee Strobel books are available if you didn't get one in class. Just get in touch with me for a book.
  • We watched the following testimonial video by the author:

  • In studying the book, we will discuss a chapter each week in sequence. If the class feels there is need to spend longer on a particular chapter or topic, that's absolutely okay.
The Bible as a historical document

  • Our study will take an investigative approach to validate the facts of Christianity as we follow Strobel through the book. This is not to undermine the importance of faith in Christianity (Ephesians 2:7-9).
  • The importance of Scripture and trusting our Bible as the inspired word of God was discussed. A brief look at the process of canonizing the New Testament was presented but deferred for later discussion when it comes up in the book.
  • Gnostic gospels were briefly touched on, and another video from Strobel's website discussing the Bible as a historical document was played:

Christian Apologist

  • Christian Apologist like Lee Strobel were defined and discussed. Christian apologetics is a field of Christian theology that aims to present a rational basis for the Christian faith, defend the faith against objections, and expose the perceived flaws of other world views.
  • Famous Christian Apologist include the Apostle Paul, Saint Augustine, Thomas Aquinas and C.S. Lewis. Issac Newton was also brought up as an example from his latter years in life. C.S. Lewis authored Mere Christianity, a book considered by many to be one of the most influential Christian writings of the 20th century (Christianity Today 2006). He is also famous for writing the seven book series Chronicles of Narnia.
  • Apologist was differentiated from apostolic by defining the latter as the faith following the gospels and epistles of the Apostles of Jesus (New Testament).
  • I briefly touched on the importance of checking information sources (i.e. the History Channel, websites, etc.). A lot of information is presented as factual but is in fact presented with a bias or unspoken agenda. I personally feel it's okay to use Wikipedia (despite being frowned on by academia) as long as you know the references and sources sited at the bottom of an article.
  • I didn't have time to show another video about apologist tactics, but I've included it here if you're interested. Some of the points mirror points also made by Derek in his sermon that followed (thanks Pastor Derek for the reinforcement):

Next Week: The Case for Christ Chapter 1

January 3, 2010- The Year Ahead

Introduction and Contact Information
  • Thanks to Keith and Linda for a wonderful run as Class Leaders. Keith has agreed to fill in when I can't be here, and we need to keep him in prayer as he helps lead our church into 2010.
  •  Please feel free to contact me AT ANY TIME...I mean that. It doesn't have to be class related either. Candice and I are here for you to support in whatever manner you need...even if it's just to be a sounding board. My contact information is: (423) 202-5791 (Candice 202-5792), email,,, Don't say you didn't know how to get in touch with me...
Personal Philosophy
  • I briefly discussed my philosophy as the class leader. I strongly believe that daily time spent reading God's word and communicating with Him in prayer can strengthen a person's spiritual life immensely and foster growth. I have learned through my years that making time for both things is much easier than you might think. I also try daily to pattern my life based on the words of Christ in Mark 12:30,31.
  • I look forward to the challenge, and I made a couple of vows to myself and to the class (I don't do new year resolutions). First, I will always come prepared to discuss our subject matter (Keith has set the bar pretty high for me here) and, I will encourage everyone to participate in discussion. You'll get a sermon from Derek after class, so you don't need a lecture from me first. Second, no heavy historical stuff. I know it probably only interest Alan and myself...and I'm not even completely sure about Alan. Lastly, no political discussions. If you want to know my political views (mixed with a little humor), you are welcome to read my blog which is linked. Political issues will stay on Tony C Today and out of our class. My other blog, Kingdom Bloggers, is a team blog I post for once a week (Friday) and is more geared to theological subject matters.
Course of Study
  • After Keith's excellent study of Genesis, he and I decided studying a Christian author would be a good change of pace. We will examine the book by Lee Strobel, The Case for Christ starting next week. I will have books for each of you. I've added a link to Lee Strobel's website you might want to check out.
  • After that, we will move back to Bible study on the book of Acts.
  • Hopefully, we will finish the year with a study of the parables of Jesus or maybe a study of each of the 12 disciples. If the first two subjects end up pushing into next year, that's perfectly okay...and would actually be a blessings that we took our time to study and DISCUSS the subject matters.