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January 3, 2010- The Year Ahead
Introduction and Contact Information
- Thanks to Keith and Linda for a wonderful run as Class Leaders. Keith has agreed to fill in when I can't be here, and we need to keep him in prayer as he helps lead our church into 2010.
- Please feel free to contact me AT ANY TIME...I mean that. It doesn't have to be class related either. Candice and I are here for you to support in whatever manner you need...even if it's just to be a sounding board. My contact information is: (423) 202-5791 (Candice 202-5792), email,,, Don't say you didn't know how to get in touch with me...
Personal Philosophy
- I briefly discussed my philosophy as the class leader. I strongly believe that daily time spent reading God's word and communicating with Him in prayer can strengthen a person's spiritual life immensely and foster growth. I have learned through my years that making time for both things is much easier than you might think. I also try daily to pattern my life based on the words of Christ in Mark 12:30,31.
- I look forward to the challenge, and I made a couple of vows to myself and to the class (I don't do new year resolutions). First, I will always come prepared to discuss our subject matter (Keith has set the bar pretty high for me here) and, I will encourage everyone to participate in discussion. You'll get a sermon from Derek after class, so you don't need a lecture from me first. Second, no heavy historical stuff. I know it probably only interest Alan and myself...and I'm not even completely sure about Alan. Lastly, no political discussions. If you want to know my political views (mixed with a little humor), you are welcome to read my blog which is linked. Political issues will stay on Tony C Today and out of our class. My other blog, Kingdom Bloggers, is a team blog I post for once a week (Friday) and is more geared to theological subject matters.
Course of Study
- After Keith's excellent study of Genesis, he and I decided studying a Christian author would be a good change of pace. We will examine the book by Lee Strobel, The Case for Christ starting next week. I will have books for each of you. I've added a link to Lee Strobel's website you might want to check out.
- After that, we will move back to Bible study on the book of Acts.
- Hopefully, we will finish the year with a study of the parables of Jesus or maybe a study of each of the 12 disciples. If the first two subjects end up pushing into next year, that's perfectly okay...and would actually be a blessings that we took our time to study and DISCUSS the subject matters.
Awesome! We need to get this linked at our church website. This is going to be a tremendous study. I challenge the class to know what you believe and why you believe it (that is the definition of "apologetics").