- Be quick to listen/slow to speak
- Religion is worthless if the tongue can't be controlled
I explained in class how James died and how it relates to what he wrote.
- James was noted in his time for his piety. In fact James spent so much time and energy on the work of the Kingdom, he neither bathed, cut his hair or beard, and his knees were noted as being like those of a camel from spending so much time in prayer.
- Needless to say, James was a homely looking fellow, but reputed for both his piety and justness (he is often referred to as James the Just).
- The Sadducees of Jerusalem wanted to discredit James and the tremendous work he had done in the new church in Jerusalem. The plan was to have James stand on a wall and, under the threat of death, denounce the new church's teaching to a gathered group. It was believed that when the group heard James and saw his repulsive appearance, word would spread and squelch the rising threat of the Christian church.
- James refused to denounce the teachings of Christ and, in fact, began to sway the crowd to his belief. Quickly, the Sadducees changed plans, a pushed James off the wall with the intent of executing him for 'breaking the law.' The witnesses would surely retreat in terror and be fearful of James' teachings.
- The fall did not kill James, so the Sadducees gathered to stone him and finish the job. James Struggled to his knees and began to pray for God to forgive those showing him transgressions.
- The death of James is recorded, among other places, in the writings of Josephus.
James very much practice what he preached and did so even to his death.
We discussed a few other biblical passages that discuss the sins of the tongue:
- Exodus 20:7 - taking the Lord's name in vain
- Exodus 20:16- bearing false witness
- Psalms 10:7- cursing, deceit, threats
- Psalms 109:2- lying about someone
- Proverbs 10:18- slander
- Proverbs 11:13- gossip
- I Timothy 5:13- tattler/gossip
- II Peter 2:2, 3- false teaching
Proverbs 6:16 list the 6 things God hates and a seventh He finds detestable (3 directly involve the tongue):
- haughty eyes
- lying tongue
- hands that shed innocent blood
- heart that devises wicked schemes
- feet that are quick to rush into evil
- a false witness
- man who stirs up dissension among brothers
The tongue can be pleasing to God through prayer, worship, praise and evangelizing.
Next week: Chapter 4
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